首页> 中文期刊>重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版) >社会矛盾的物质欲望论探析




追求物质欲望的满足是人类个体以及整个人类社会得以存在和发展的基本生理基础和心理动力,然而物质欲望本身在推动了人类社会发展的同时也间接引发和深化了种种严重的社会矛盾和危机。只要不带狭隘的个人偏见我们不难承认,社会上有多少人受物质欲望的驱使而严重损害了身体健康、破坏了家庭和谐、扰乱了社会秩序。从唯物史观的视野探讨物质欲望与社会矛盾产生和深化的内在关联,以及人类能否有效规约自身物质欲望膨胀的趋势,从而提出一个反思的角度。%Pursuit of materials is the basic physiological basis and the psychological motive for human individuals,even the entire human society.But the material desire itself in promoting the development of human society also indirectly cau-ses and deepens various serious social contradictions and crises.As long as it does not take the narrow personal preju-dice,it is not difficult to recognize that the society has driven many people affected by material desires and seriously damage the health,harm the family harmony,and destroy the social order.This paper attempts to explore the internal re-lation between the emergence and deepening of the social contradiction and material desires from the view of historical materialism and put forward a perspective.



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