首页> 中文期刊>重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版) >毛泽东的世界历史意识与马克思主义中国化的全球化视野




马克思主义中国化就是把马克思主义运用于对中国的重大历史事件和问题的解决并丰富和发展马克思主义的过程。在这一过程中,不仅要认识、理解和把握中国的实际或国情,而且也离不开对世界历史大局与大势的认识、理解和把握。只有前者没有后者,就不能解决中国的问题,因而也不能实现马克思主义的中国化。毛泽东终其一生,不仅注重了解中国,而且非常重视了解世界,具有强烈的世界历史意识和广阔的世界视野,在他处理和解决中国革命和建设的一系列历史事件和重大历史课题的过程中,这种意识和视野处处呈现在我们面前。正是因为具有了既对中国社会实际的了解又有深刻的世界历史意识,毛泽东才能得心应手地运用马克思主义,并有力地推动马克思主义中国化。%The sinicization of Marxism is a process that the Marxism is applied to solve the major historical events and problems in China and enrich and develop Marxism.In the process,it is important not only to recognize,understand and grasp the actual situation of China but also to recognize,understand and grasp the overall situation and trend of the histo-ry of the world.Only through the former,it cannot solve China’s problems,and therefore can not achieve the sinicization of Marxism.In Mao Zedong’s life,he not only paid attention to understand China,and paid more attention to understand the world,with a strong consciousness of world history and a broad vision of the world;in the process he handled and solved a series of historical events and historical subject of Chinese revolution and construction,and this consciousness and vision is presented in front of us everywhere.It was because of both understanding of the actual situation of the Chi-nese society and profound consciousness of world history that it was handy for Mao Zedong to use the Marxism,effectively promoted the sinicization of Marxism.



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