首页> 中文期刊>重庆文理学院学报(社会科学版) >宋代蝗灾应对和灾异观之变化




“灾异说”认为,灾异乃是社会政治问题所致,当局应以改革社会政治应对。主流社会长期以此应对灾异,故对蝗灾也不采取捕杀措施。在唐代姚崇以下以捕杀应对蝗灾的基础上,宋人以全面捕杀为主要手段应对蝗灾,在实践上突破了“灾异说”。与此相应,对“灾异说”,宋代的思想精英们从前人的笃信发展为质疑,乃至彻底抛弃,客观、理性地应对蝗灾等灾异。%In the theory about plague before, a plague was resulted in the relevant social and political errors, and the only mea- sure against the plague was to correct the errors. The authorities had been done against the plagues according to the theory in the period of more than 1000 years, and not killed the locusts in the plagues of locust, just with some exceptions. In Song, killing lo- custs was the popular measure against the plagues of locust, people knew a lot about locust, and some gentlemen began to sus- pect the theory about plague that had been very popular since Hun Dynasty, and even abandoned it at last.



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