首页> 中文期刊>重庆文理学院学报(社会科学版) >论财务管理与成本控制目标的实现




随着我国经济体制改革的不断深入,公司管理以财务管理为核心,已成为企业家和经济界人士的共识。之所以说财务管理是公司管理的核心,因为它是通过价值形态对公司资金运作的一项综合性的管理,渗透和贯穿于公司一切经济活动之中。因此,加强财务管理是公司可持续发展的一个关键环节。从成本控制入手,把财务管理目标推向一个新高度,这是公司目前财务管理中的一项重要工作任务。%With the continuous deepening of China economic reform, the company management to financial management as the core, has become entrepreneurs and economic circles of consensus. The reason why we say that financial management is the man- agement of the core is be cause it is the form of value to the company through a comprehensive capital campaign management, infiltration and run through all economic activities in the company. Therefore, strengthening the financial management of the com- pany as a key to sustainable development. We should start with the financial management of cost control objectives into a new phase, which is currently an important financial management objectives.



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