首页> 中文期刊>小型微型计算机系统 >支持细粒度授权的电子文档防泄密系统网络通信设计




Network communication is an important part of the electronic document leak prevention system. How to efficiently handle a large number of concurrent client requests but without loss of overall system performance is an issue to be considered when the system is designed. Combining the select model and the completion port model, the high concurrent communication for electronic document leak prevention system is designed in this paper. IOCP model is adopted to realize user authentication, user off-line application and so on. Select model is adopted to realize the function of user uploading encrypted documents for server backup. The experiment results demonstrate that using select model to transfer file is secure and fast, and IOCP model using thread pool mechanism solves the problems which happen in the server-side of communication system when dealing with short handle and a large number of concurrent connections, in which way system performance is greatly improved.%网络通信是电子文档防泄密系统的重要组成部分,如何高效地处理大量并发客户请求且不丧失整体的性能是设计系统时需要考虑的问题.结合选择模型和完成端口模型,设计了支持细粒度授权的电子文档防泄密系统的网络通信,采用完成端口模型实现用户身份认证、用户高线申请等功能,采用选择模型实现用户上传密文文档至服务器备份功能.实验验证了选择模型在文件传榆方面具有安全可靠和高速的特性.完成端口使用线程池机制解决了网络通信系统服务器端大量并发短连接的问题,提高了系统性能.



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