首页> 中文期刊>小型微型计算机系统 >概率模型下异构传感器网络部署算法的研究




At the present time, many algorithms use virtual forces method to solve the sensor nodes deployment problem. However, all of them studied the homogeneous sensor networks. This paper proposed an extended virtual force algorithm oriented to the deployment of heterogeneous sensor networks. It adopted the probability sensor model , combined the static deployment strategy with the dynamic deployment strategy according to the difference of sensor radius , analyzed the threshold distance based on the differnence of sensor radius,. Additionally, it proposed a novel sensor relay move way during the movement of sensors. Simulation results show that the algorithm is able to deploy the heterogeneous sensors in the aimed region suitably and it can balance the dissipative energy efficiently which benefits for prolonging the lifetime of network.%目前采用虚拟力方法解决传感器节点部署问题的算法均基于同构传感器网络,面向异构传感器网络的部署需求,提出扩展的虚拟力算法.该算法采用概率感知模型,部署时根据感知半径的悬殊采用静态部署与动态部署相结合的策略,根据节点感知半径差异度决定最佳距离的取值,节点移动时采用接替移动法.仿真结果表明该算法能够根据应用需要将异构传感器节点合理地部署于目标区域内,同时能有效地均衡网络节点的能耗,延长网络的生存时间.



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