首页> 中文期刊>中华女子学院学报 >生育政策对婚姻家庭的影响及对策




A family is the most basic organizational form of social life and the stability of a family directly affects social stability. China's series of family planning policies with the purpose of lowering the birth rate, especially the one-child policy, have had a strong impact on marriage and families and led to a gradual weakening of family functions of raising children and caring for the aged, thereby resulting in difficulties carrying out the conventional family function of supporting family members. Therefore, as regards slowing down population growth, the main emphasis of China's childbearing policy shall move from reducing population growth to maintaining the intactness and enabling the traditional functions of a family. At the same time, due to the integrality of public policies, they can only be fully effective with mutual coordination. In order to reduce existing and potential negative effects towards marriage and family, public policies and public services related to childbearing shall be improved along with the existing system of childbearing.%家庭是社会生活最基本的组织形式,家庭的稳定直接关系到社会的稳定.以降低出生率为核心内容的计划生育政策,尤其是独生子女政策,对婚姻家庭造成了较大影响,导致家庭在抚幼、养老等方面的功能逐渐弱化,难以发挥传统家庭对家庭成员的支持作用.因此,随着人口增速的放缓,我国生育政策的重心应从降低人口出生率转向维系家庭的完整及其功能的实现.同时,因公共政策是一个整体,各项政策之间需要互相协调才能发挥最佳效果,消减计划生育政策对婚姻家庭已经产生和将来可能产生的负面影响,不仅要修正现有的生育政策,也要完善与生育相关的公共政策和公共服务.



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