首页> 中文期刊>中华女子学院学报 >'家'的隐喻——论日本现代女性文学的后现代性




Postmodern literary creation, which is one of the counteractions to modern capitalism, and one school of social psychology and sociocultural thought, occurs naturally in society after economic development enters mass consumption, and is also a form of cultural reconstruction. The obvious postmodern characteristics appear in the ideology, politics, economy, culture, social lifestyle and other fields in Japan in the second half of the 20th century, which provide the women writers with abundant writing sources. The women's literary works published in the 1980s and 1990s with strongly postmodern characteristics fully reflect the new value orientation and basic life attitudes of Japanese modern women writers.%后现代主义文学创作是对现代资本主义社会的一种反动,是一种社会心态和社会文化思潮,是经济发展步入大众化消费后自然形成的社会现象,也是另一种形式的文化重建. 20世纪后半期的日本社会,在思想、政治、经济、文化以及社会生活方式等各个方面都呈现出明显的后现代特性,从而为女性作家提供了丰富的创作源泉.尤其是20世纪八九十年代发表的女性文学作品具有浓厚的后现代特色,充分反映了日本现代女性作家新的价值取向和基本生活态度.



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