首页> 中文期刊>中华女子学院学报 >高校学生男女平等价值取向及其群体差异--基于北京市13所高校调研数据的分析




基于“首都高校学生性别平等意识调研”数据分析发现:多数高校学生认同男女平等价值观,但仍有三至四成学生的性别观念停留在传统文化框架内;高校学生性别平等意识略高于北京普通居民,但优势不显著;男生比女生、学历高比学历低的学生,更认同传统性别角色分工与传统性别观念,知识增长与性别平等意识提升并不存在必然的正相关性。因此,建议将性别知识与性别平等理念教育纳入高校本专科生、硕士生、博士生的政治必修课之中,切实在高校学生中培育和践行社会主义核心价值观。%Based on analysis of data from research on gender equality awareness among students in the capital’s universities, we found that although the majority of students approve values based on gender equality, 30-40 percent are still hampered by traditional culture. Generally, university students possess slightly more awareness on gender equality than common Beijing citizens, though not much. Male and higher educated students prefer more traditional divisions of gender roles and traditional gender values compared to female and lower-educated counterparts. There is no positive correlation between the increase of knowledge and promotion of gender equality awareness. Therefore, we suggest that education on gender knowledge and equality be included in compulsory political courses for university undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students. Furthermore, socialist core values need to be nurtured among and practiced by university students.



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