首页> 中文期刊>中华女子学院学报 >为健康和公益而战--妇女改革团体与美国食品药品纯净运动关系述论




学界通常将美国国会于1906年颁布的《联邦食品与药品法》看作时任总统罗斯福、黑幕揭发者和哈维·维利这样的监管机构官僚共同合作推动的结果。相比之下,以基督教妇女禁酒联合会为代表的妇女改革团体为食品药品纯净运动所做的贡献却未能得到应有重视。事实上,现代意义上的社会运动无法离开女性参与,妇女改革团体的行动代表着一个社会追求进步和向上的努力。对此问题的深入展开要求研究者转换视角,关注女性在社会运动中的诉求,这也将有助于推动对进步时代美国社会的整体认识。%Scholars usually consider the Federal Food and Drug Act of 1906 enacted by the US Congress as the result of collaboration between Roosevelt and Harvey Wiley as well as related regulatory agencies. By contrast, the contribution of women’s reform groups represented by the Christian Temperance Union to food and drug purity movements failed to receive attention. In fact, social movements in the modern sense cannot exist without the participation of women to ensure future progress. Expanding on this issue requires researchers to change their perspectives, as well as pay attention to women’s demands in relation to social movements so as to help promote understanding of American society.



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