首页> 中文期刊>西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >文本中的历史与历史中的文本——论茅盾三篇农民起义题材的历史小说




As histories in texts, Bao Zi Tou Lin Chong, Shi Jie and Da Ze Xiang had complicated meanings be- cause of Mao Dun's intertexuality fabrication and re-narration. But Bao Zi Tou Lin Chong and Shi Jie ran counter to Mao Dun's original intention for their denying about the image of Liang Shan and the meanings of carrying out God's will, the narration of the two novels negating the significance of the peasant uprising. As texts in history, the con- tradiction between Mao Dun's original intention and the fact of the texts, the breaks in the narration of Da Ze Xiang, and the contradiction in the thought tendency of the three novels formed the art tension inside and outside of the texts, and also refracted the complex contradictions in the Left-wing literary world of China in the earlier 1930s and the vagueness and deviation of Mao Dun's ideology as well.%作为文本中的历史,《豹子头林冲》、《石碣》和《大泽乡》因茅盾的互文性虚构与重述获得了复杂深邃的思想内涵。但《豹子头林冲》和《石碣》对梁山意象与替天行道的消解却明显违背了茅盾的初衷,对农民起义表现的结果没有走向赞美反而成了颠覆。作为历史中的文本,创作初衷与实际文本之间的矛盾,《大泽乡》叙述上的断裂,《大泽乡》与《豹子头林冲》、《石碣》思想倾向上的对立,在构成这些小说文本内部与文本之间的艺术张力的同时,还折射出20世纪30年代初左翼文坛错综复杂的矛盾以及茅盾意识形态的暧昧与背离。



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