首页> 中文期刊>西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >先唐时期中国文学城市审美的历史演进




先唐时期,中国城市文学完成了从孕育萌芽到基本形成的历史演进,与此同时,中国文学对于城市的观照,经历了先秦的致用为本,到两汉的功利与审美并存,再到魏晋南北朝的功利色彩弱化、审美意味增强的发展历程.被视为中国城市文学形成标志的汉代都邑赋,在一定程度上突破实用功利的限制,对长安城进行了具有审美价值的书写.魏晋南北朝表现城市之美的文体从辞赋扩展至诗歌,更为重要的是,城市观照中的政治或道德驱动力明显弱化.士人群体的城市体验在一定程度上超越了单一的实用功能的范畴,体现出向意义纬度和审美纬度发展的倾向.%In the period of the early Tang dynasty,Chinese city literature accomplished its historical evolution from emergence to basic formation.Reflecting on the cities,Chinese literature experiences three development stages: utilitarianism in the early Qing dynasty,aesthetic and utilitarian balance in the Han dynasty,weakening utility and aesthetic supremacy in the Wei and Jin dynasties.Duyi Fu,the symbol of the emergence of Chinese city literature,breaks through the limitation of practical utilitarian of city literature and describes Changan City with aesthetic value.In the Wei and Jin dynasties,the style of writing used to express the beauty of the city extends from cifu to poetry,and political or moral driving force are significantly weakened in reflecting on cities.To some extent,the scholars 'urban experience goes beyond the scope of a single practical function,reflecting the development tendency towards significant and aesthetic latitude.



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