首页> 中文期刊>中国石油大学学报(社会科学版) >墨西哥湾石油泄漏危机管理中的美国软实力及其对中国政府的启示——基于对BP公司石油泄漏案的利益相关者研究




美国软实力的构成中,除了文化、政治价值观和外交政策外,还包括跨国公司控制力。在BP石油泄漏危机管理中,美国政府、石油行业、当地民众、非政府组织、新闻媒体、BP公司利益相关者之间存在着制衡关系,而起关键推动作用的是美国政府和媒体。通过"飓风效应"和"螺旋桨模型"的分析,揭示了美国政府在BP公司石油泄漏危机治理中运用跨国公司控制力、发挥软实力的内在社会机制。对中国政府如何运用软实力,管理由跨国公司引发的公共危机方面提出了三点建议。%Except value, culture, domestic policy and foreign policy, the elements of soft power include power of controlling MNC. During the management of Mexico Gulf's oil spill crisis caused by BP, there exist counterbalanced relationships between key stakeholders such as American government, oil industry, local people, NGO, news agency and BP, in which American government and news agency play the fundamental promoting functions. Through analysis of the typhoon effect and the propeller model, the paper expounds the American government's soft powers in the process of controlling MNC and the mechanisms to coordinate the soft powers. The paper puts forward suggestions about developing Chinese soft powers in three social systems.



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