首页> 中文期刊> 《中国延安干部学院学报》 >试析皖南事变前后共产国际关于中共同国民党关系的策略




Around the South Anhui Incident, when the Communist International considered and handled the CPC-Kuomintang relationship, its focus was trying to maintain the anti-Japanese national united front from split. During this period, the cooperation between the Communist International and the Central Committee of CPC is rath- er smooth. The Communist International carefully adopted a manner of guidance. Its instructions were mostly in a suggestive and reminding tone rather than the previous tone of rigid orders. The Central Committee of CPC was respectful to the instructions from the Communist International. When having different opinion, the Central Committee provided much explanation to the Communist International and communicated in time about the situations. And in execution of the instructions, it tried from reality to adopt their reasonable and correct elements rather than in the previous mechanical and dogmatic manner. The repulse of the second anti-Communist onslaught initiated by the Kuomintang diehards was an achievement of mutual understanding and cooperation between the Communist International, who offered active guidance, and the Central Committee of CPC, who respected the former' s instructions.%皖南事变前后,共产国际在思考、处理中共与国民党关系问题时,中心是力图维护抗日民族统一战线,不致发生破裂。在这一段时间,共产国际和中共中央之间的配合是比较好的。共产国际在方式上注意进行原则指导,发出的指示多是以建议和提醒的口吻,不像过去以僵硬的命令口吻。中共中央对共产国际的指示是尊重的,对共产国际有不同意见,多解释,并及时通报情况;在执行时,不像过去那样采取机械的教条的方式,而是从实际出发,尽量吸取其合理、正确的部分。打退国民党顽固派发动的第二次反共高潮,是共产国际积极指导,中共中央尊重共产国际的指示,两者之间相互理解、相互配合的结果。



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