首页> 中文期刊> 《中国延安干部学院学报》 >台湾农会的成功经验与启示




台湾农业成为"小农"现代化的成功典范,农会组织的作用至关重要。台湾农会是"农有、农治、农享"的公益社团法人,其宗旨是"保障农民权益、提高农民知识技能、促进农业现代化、增加生产收益、改善农民生活、发展农村经济"。农会全方位为农服务,设有供销部、信用部、保险部、推广部等,建立了产前、产中和产后社会化服务体系,实现了小农的规模经济,将"小农"聚拢成"大农",促进了农业的市场化、社会化和现代化。农会是半官方半民间组织,是政府农业政策的执行者、政府与农民的桥梁。农会既得到台湾岛内广泛认同,也获得很高的国际赞誉。台湾农会的成功做法,特别是农技推广、市场营销、金融保险、社会服务等功能,正是大陆当前新农村建设所亟需。基于相同的民族文化传统和小农环境,大陆立足实情、借鉴经验,开展综合农协试点,颇具现实意义。%Farmers' associations played a vital role for Taiwan' s agriculture to become a model of success in modernization of ,6 small farmers. " The Taiwan Farmers' Association is a non-profit organization "of the farmers, by the farmers, and for the farmers. " Its purpose is to "protect the farmers' rights, advance the farmers' knowledge and skills, promote agricultural modernization, increase productive gains, improve the farmers' livelihood, and develop rural economy. " The Association provides all-around services to the farmers. It establishes supply and marketing, credit, insurance, promotion, and other departments ; sets up a socialized service system for pre-interpost production; realizes economy of scale for small famers; coordinates "small farming" into "big farming;" and promotes marketization, socialization, and modernization of agriculture. The Farmers' Association is a quasi-governmental organization that functions both as an executive for governmental agricultural policies and a bridge between the government and farmers. The Farmers' Association receives wide recognition across the Taiwan Island and high-level international approval. Taiwan Farmers' Association' s successful measures, especially such functions as agro-technique extension, marketing, financial insurance, and social service, are exactly that in great need in contemporary mainland to build a new socialist countryside. Due to the same national cultural heritage and small farming milieu, it is of great practical significance for the mainland to base on reality, learn from experience, and carry out comprehensive experiments on farmers' associations.



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