首页> 中文期刊>中国延安干部学院学报 >“历史向世界历史转变”的内在逻辑与当代启示




"历史向世界历史的转变"是我们身边的经验和事实。"历史向世界历史转变"使马克思得以在更加宽广的视域中审视分工进而开启其世界历史话语,而且,"历史向世界历史转变"的内在逻辑及其当代意义也因分工的介入而向我们敞开了。"实行最广泛分工"的大工业首先开创了世界历史,并确立了世界历史的资本主导逻辑。分裂是分工向全球扩展的"现代性"后果,合作是分工发展的"全球化"效应,人的解放是一项世界历史性的事业。%The "transformation of history into world history" ~s live experience and Iacts arouno us. lne "Transformation of history into world history" enables Marx to survey division of labor in a much broader view and therefore to initiate his discourse on world history. In addition, due to the introduction of division of labor, the in- trinsic logic and contemporary significance of the "transformation of history into world history" also opens to us. The large-scale industry of "most extensive division of labor" created the world history and established the logic of capital dominance in the world history. Separation is a consequence of "modernity" from the global extension of di- vision of labor, cooperation is an effect of "globalization" by the development of division of labor, and the libera- tion of humankind is a world historical enterprise.



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