首页> 中文期刊> 《中国延安干部学院学报》 >民主革命时期中国共产党学习型政党建设思想述要




在民主革命时期,提高党的思想理论素养、实现马克思主义中国化、成功领导中国革命以及事物的不断发展变化,要求党必须学习;每个党员都应该把学习当做自己的责任,对一般党员要施以文化教育和政治教育,使其做一个好的党员。对于在职干部要分层次和类别施以不同的业务教育、政治教育、文化教育、理论教育;党员特别是党员领导干部,要端正学习态度,以身作则,老老实实地、理论联系实际地学习;同时建立健全学习制度,将党员自学和组织学习有机结合起来,相辅相成。%During the democratic revolution period, improvement of the Party' s ideological attainments, reali- zation of adapting Marxism to Chinese conditions, successful leadership for Chinese revolution, and continuous de- velopment and changes of things require the Party to study. Every Party member should take study as his own re- sponsibility. Cultural education and political education are needed for each ordinary Party member to become a good Party member. For cadres at their posts, layered and categorized educations in vocational work, politics, cul- ture, and theory should be conducted accordingly. Party members, especially leading cadres, must take correct studying attitude, make themselves examples, and study honestly with integration of theory with practice. At the same time, system of study must be established and improved to organically combine individual study and organized study and have them complement each other.



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