首页> 中文期刊>成都师范学院学报 >规范政府权力构建法治政府




Since the reform and opening-up,CCP has been attaching great importance to construction of government of law,advancing government-enterprise separation and government-society separation powerfully,constantly regula-ting the power of government under the rule of law. But due to the influence of many factors such as history,the current government power has not been effectively limited,phenomenon of power overruling law is serious,which hinders the con-struction of government of law. At present,we should take great pains to safeguard the execution of constitution,maintain the authority of constitution,strengthen the effective supervision to the government,construct limited government,enlarge citizenˊs orderly participation in political affairs and so on to effectively restrict the power of government and accelerate the construction of the government of law.%改革开放以来,中国共产党高度重视法治政府建设,强力推进政企分离和政社分离,不断以法治规范政府权力,但是由于历史等因素的影响,当前政府权力并没有得到有效的规范,权大于法现象比较严重,极大阻碍法治政府建设。当前应着力通过保障宪法实施,维护宪法权威;强化对政府的有效监督,构建有限政府;扩大公民有序政治参与等途径来有效规范政府权力,加快法治政府建设。



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