首页> 中文期刊> 《常州工学院学报》 >风力发电风向跟踪负荷控制系统算法设计与实现




In order to realize an active windward movement of the leaf in wind turbine generator to im-prove the generation efficiency,the paper put forward a wind direction tracking and leaf orientation algorithm with a Siemens PLC as its core.The algorithm includes IFL intelligent software filter,PID control and ODM output scheduling, etc.The wind direction tracking and load control system based on this algorithm can quickly and accurately fulfill various yaw control tasks.Automatic yaw process generally takes about 3 sec-onds,the overshoot can be controlled under 5%,and the angle between leaf plane and wind flow direction can be 90( ±1) degrees.In addition,it also has the function of automatic unwrapping and crosswind to keep equipment safety in a wind storm.%为实现风力发电机主动迎风提高发电效率,提出一种以西门子PLC为核心的风向跟踪与叶片方向控制的算法. 该算法包括IFL智能软件滤波、PID控制及ODM输出调度等部分. 基于该算法的风向跟踪负荷控制系统能够快速、精准实现各种偏航控制任务,自动偏航仅需3s便能实现,超调量指标可控制在5%以内,且在偏航结束后能使叶轮旋转平面与来流风向保持垂直,误差控制在±1°内. 此外,还具备自动解缠绕和风暴发生时侧风以保护设备的安全等功能.



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