首页> 中文期刊>常熟理工学院学报 >论《老子》的本体之道




道是《老子》本体论中的核心概念,是《老子》对天下万物进行抽象之后对宇宙做出的哲理化解释。这一抽象过程经历了从天下万物到有、从有到无、又从无到道的过程。《老子》认为道是有与无的统一体,是生化万物的终极根源,但就其实质说,道是物质与精神的混合体。道是《老子》哲学的逻辑起点和理论基石,对它的研究不仅是理解《老子》本体论的关键,也是开启《老子》哲学体系大门的一把钥匙。%  Tao is the core concept of the ontology in Lao Zi and the philosophical explanation of the universe after being abstracted under the heaven. This abstracting process experienced the course from the heaven to have noth⁃ing to everything to nothing, and nothing to Tao. Lao Zi thinks Tao is the unity of being and non-being or having and not-having, and the ultimate origin of organisms, while in essence, it is the amalgam of material and spirit. As Tao is the logical starting point and theoretical foundation of the philosophy of Lao Zi, the research into it is the key not only to the ontology of Lao Zi but also to the philosophical system of Lao Zi.



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