首页> 中文期刊>常熟理工学院学报 >人学:新时期中国文学史研究不可或缺的视角--评金红《融通与变异:意识流在中国新时期小说中的流变》




文学是人学。“人”的不断发现,是文学发展变化的根本。金红教授的著作《融通与变异:意识流在中国新时期小说中的流变》正是抓住了新时期文学研究这一不可或缺的视角,从而具有文学史研究的史学性价值。一是由扎实丰满的文本解读而积淀起的新时期意识流文学研究之深度;二是由梳理文学历程与剖析文学理念而建构起的历史研究之角度;三是点化自然、新见迭出,将文学中的“诗”“意”融汇贯通的诗学意向之高度。金红的著作以开拓的勇气、大胆的判断与详实的考察精神,引起学界的关注。%Literature is the study of people. The root of the development of Chinese literature lies in people’s con-stant discoveries and changes of notions. Professor Jin Hong studies the effect of stream of consciousness of the nov-els in Chinese New Period. As a result, the treatise Acceptance and Variation of Stream of Consciousness of Novels in Chinese New Period has come into being, which captures the indispensable perspective of literary studies in the new period. The academic achievement of the treatise can be summarized in the following three aspects including a profound knowledge of stream of consciousness in the new period, an analysis of Chinese literature and relevant the-ories from historical perspective and new ideas presented to readers in a natural way. On the whole, there are few treatises that focus on the theories of stream of consciousness in the Chinese literary world. Jin’s treatise is worth reading because of its pioneering spirit and detailed information.



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