首页> 外文期刊>中南大学学报(英文版) >基于分层编码粒子群优化的配电网复合目标重构方法研究



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网络重构技术是实现系统优化运行最重要的手段之一.配电网重构通过改变配电系统内开关状态来改变网络结构,以达到降低损耗、消除过载、提高电压质量等目的,较少涉及到网络的结构特征.针对这一问题,本文引入节点重要度作为识别网络关键节点的评价指标,建立降低配电网网络损耗、提高网络节点重要度的配电网重构模型.此模型中采用加权系数法将2个目标函数转化为单一的复合目标函数,解决了目标函数之间相冲突的矛盾.然后,将环网分层编码方案与粒子群算法结合,提出求解上述模型的优化方法.该方法利用分层编码方案随机生成代表配网结构的种群粒子,保证生成的粒子均是可行的拓扑解,避免了繁琐的拓扑解的验证过程,降低了粒子群算法的搜索空间,有效地提高了网络重构的速度和优化方法的搜索效率.针对IEEE 33 节点系统和PG&E 69节点系统,对所提出的模型和方法进行验证,从算法的搜索空间、鲁棒性、收敛特征和运行时间等方面验证了方法的有效性.同时,通过修改复合目标函数的权重,得到不同权重情况下的网络最优配置,管理者可根据不同的要求选择最恰当的一组,对网络的运行有一定的指导意义.%With the development of automation in smart grids, network reconfiguration is becoming a feasible approach for improving the operation of distribution systems. A novel reconfiguration strategy was presented to get the optimal configuration of improving economy of the system, and then identifying the important nodes. In this strategy, the objectives increase the node importance degree and decrease the active power loss subjected to operational constraints. A compound objective function with weight coefficients is formulated to balance the conflict of the objectives. Then a novel quantum particle swarm optimization based on loop switches hierarchical encoded was employed to address the compound objective reconfiguration problem. Its main contribution is the presentation of the hierarchical encoded scheme which is used to generate the population swarm particles of representing only radial connected solutions. Because the candidate solutions are feasible, the search efficiency would improve dramatically during the optimization process without tedious topology verification. To validate the proposed strategy, simulations are carried out on the test systems. The results are compared with other techniques in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed method.
机译:网络重构技术是实现系统优化运行最重要的手段之一.配电网重构通过改变配电系统内开关状态来改变网络结构,以达到降低损耗、消除过载、提高电压质量等目的,较少涉及到网络的结构特征.针对这一问题,本文引入节点重要度作为识别网络关键节点的评价指标,建立降低配电网网络损耗、提高网络节点重要度的配电网重构模型.此模型中采用加权系数法将2个目标函数转化为单一的复合目标函数,解决了目标函数之间相冲突的矛盾.然后,将环网分层编码方案与粒子群算法结合,提出求解上述模型的优化方法.该方法利用分层编码方案随机生成代表配网结构的种群粒子,保证生成的粒子均是可行的拓扑解,避免了繁琐的拓扑解的验证过程,降低了粒子群算法的搜索空间,有效地提高了网络重构的速度和优化方法的搜索效率.针对IEEE 33 节点系统和PG&E 69节点系统,对所提出的模型和方法进行验证,从算法的搜索空间、鲁棒性、收敛特征和运行时间等方面验证了方法的有效性.同时,通过修改复合目标函数的权重,得到不同权重情况下的网络最优配置,管理者可根据不同的要求选择最恰当的一组,对网络的运行有一定的指导意义.%With the development of automation in smart grids, network reconfiguration is becoming a feasible approach for improving the operation of distribution systems. A novel reconfiguration strategy was presented to get the optimal configuration of improving economy of the system, and then identifying the important nodes. In this strategy, the objectives increase the node importance degree and decrease the active power loss subjected to operational constraints. A compound objective function with weight coefficients is formulated to balance the conflict of the objectives. Then a novel quantum particle swarm optimization based on loop switches hierarchical encoded was employed to address the compound objective reconfiguration problem. Its main contribution is the presentation of the hierarchical encoded scheme which is used to generate the population swarm particles of representing only radial connected solutions. Because the candidate solutions are feasible, the search efficiency would improve dramatically during the optimization process without tedious topology verification. To validate the proposed strategy, simulations are carried out on the test systems. The results are compared with other techniques in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed method.



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