首页> 外文期刊>中南大学学报(英文版) >基于禁忌搜索和大邻城搜索的混合算法求解车辆排序问题



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The car sequencing problem (CSP) concerns a production sequence of different types of cars in the mixed-model assembly line. A hybrid algorithm is proposed to find an assembly sequence of CSP with minimum violations. Firstly, the hybrid algorithm is based on the tabu search and large neighborhood search (TLNS), servicing as the framework. Moreover, two components are incorporated into the hybrid algorithm. One is the parallel constructive heuristic (PCH) that is used to construct a set of initial solutions and find some high quality solutions, and the other is the small neighborhood search (SNS) which is designed to improve the new constructed solutions. The computational results show that the proposed hybrid algorithm (PCH+TLNS+SNS) obtains 100 best known values out of 109 public instances, among these 89 instances get their best known values with 100% success rate. By comparing with the well-known related algorithms, computational results demonstrate the effectiveness, efficiency and robustness of the proposed algorithm.%汽车排序问题涉及混流装配线上由多种车型组成的一个加工序列,一个混合算法用以搜索违约数最小的序列.该混合算法以禁忌搜索和大邻域搜索为算法框架,结合了两个组件以提高算法性能.一个是平行构建启发式方法,构建一系列初解用于选择高质量的解,另一个是小邻域搜索,进一步改进新解的质量.计算结果显示,针对109个问题的公共测试集,该算法得到100个已知最好解,89个问题得到最好解的成功率是100%.结果表明,与知名相关算法比较,该算法具有有效性、高效率和鲁棒性.
机译:汽车测序问题(CSP)涉及混合模型装配线中不同类型汽车的生产序列。提出了一种混合算法以找到具有最小违规的CSP的装配序列。首先,混合算法基于禁忌搜索和大的邻域搜索(TLN),作为框架服务。此外,两个组分结合到混合算法中。一个是用来构建一组初始解决方案并找到一些高质量解决方案的并行建设性启发式(PCH),另一个是旨在改善新的构造解决方案的小邻域搜索(SNS)。计算结果表明,所提出的混合算法(PCH + TLNS + SNS)在109个公共情况下获取100个最佳已知值,其中89个实例中,以100%的成功率获得其最佳已知值。通过与众所周知的相关算法进行比较,计算结果证明了所提出的算法的有效性,效率和鲁棒性。%驾车排序问题涉及混流装装线上更加车辆型成的一体加工序列,一个融合算法用词最该合法以搜索搜索和大邻域搜索禁忌,结合了两组件以提高度性能。一个人,构建平构建构建发给方法,构建一行性能构建构建以以, 是小嘴巴,进一步改进新闻的体重。计算计算显示,针对109个问题的公共公主测试,该算法得到100个已知好的,89个问题得到最好的的成就100%。结果结果明,与与名称相关措施比较,该该法有有色,高于和鲁棒性。



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