首页> 中文期刊>中南大学学报(社会科学版) >论贾平凹90年代以来乡土小说中的家庭伦理叙事




Significant ethical narration had been showed in Jia Pingwa’s novels since the 1990s, by using the triple polyphonic artistic technique of home consciousness of the abandoned, the guardian and the contradiction. The writer presents his consideration of the diversity of local homestead implications. Through the fuzzy marriage pattern and the traditional women’s virtue, he reveals the reconstruction of rural marriage moral consciousness in the process of the reconstruction of modern civilization. By comparing three generations’ conception of justice, namely, parents’ survival justice, children’s the supremacy of impetuosity and benefits and grandchildren’s persistence of their own ways, he shows people’s moral choice and differences of intergenerational ethics in the era changing process, which reflects Jia Pingwa’s sense of responsibility as an intellectual and his moral sense of mission in literary creation.%家庭伦理叙事在贾平凹90年代以来的乡土小说中特别突出。他通过家意识的丢弃者、守护者、矛盾者的叙说,呈现出作家对乡土家园蕴意的多样性思考;通过离婚不离家的婚姻模式和传统女性美德的刻划,展现出在现代文明进程中重建乡村婚姻道德意识的努力;通过三代人父辈的生存正义、子辈的浮躁利益至上观、孙辈的我行我素主义,刻划了时代变迁进程中人的道德选择问题及代际间伦理观念的差异。



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