首页> 中文期刊>中南大学学报(社会科学版) >并非在伯仲之间--马克思与阿伦特关于资本主义意识形态批判的比较




Both Karl Marx and Arendt sharply criticized capitalist ideological issues. Marx pointed out that this ideology has “falsity” feature, the “falsity” is established because the practical significance of ideology has lost its critique of materialism; while Arendt discussed from the “action” distortion departure, criticized the capitalist ideology of “false political” issue, and noted that the issue of ideology is the important cause of totalitarianism. When it comes to how to solve the capitalist ideology problem, Marx is took a more radical “change the mode of production”, while Arendt pinned their hopes on the return of “action” in order to reshape the meaning of “real politics”. In contrast, Karl Marx’s critique is of greater thoroughness.%马克思和阿伦特都对资本主义意识形态问题提出了尖锐的批判。马克思指出资本主义意识形态具有“虚假性”特征,其“虚假性”根源在于实践意义的失落,他批判的旨归是唯物史观的确立;阿伦特以“行动”出发的两种政治生活对比,通过意识形态批判揭露现代资本主义“虚假政治”问题,并指出意识形态问题是造成极权主义的重要原因之一。对于如何超越资本主义意识形态问题,马克思走的是一条更为深刻的“变革生产方式”的道路,而阿伦特将希望寄托于回归“行动”意义以重塑“真正的政治”。相比之下,马克思的批判更为彻底。



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