首页> 中文期刊>中南大学学报(社会科学版) >思想政治教育方法演进发展的规律性探索




思想政治教育方法的演进发展必须遵循客观的发展规律。纵观其演进发展的历程,思想政治教育的方法总是按照特定社会的战略需要,秉承“宏观驾驭”和“战略导引”的基本理念,在引领社会意识形态的过程中不断变革,在化解社会矛盾中不断跨越,在导引人的思想发展中不断升华。其具体表现为:方法目标在引领思想政治的变革中更新,方法价值在引领伦理道德的发展中提升,方法内涵在引领文化思潮的演化中创新,方法取向在把握舆论导向中超越,方法内容在完善协调机制中深化,方法理念在人的思想觉悟进步中提升,方法机制在人的思想结构优化中完善,方法途径在人的思想功能拓展中多元。其演进发展的每一环节都体现着一定社会的客观要求,体现出“战略制导”的必然规律性。%The evolution and development of education method in ideology and politics should follow the law of the objective world. Throughout the history of evolution and development, education method in ideology and politics is always in consistence with the specific strategic needs of the society, adhering to the basic idea of“macro control”and“strategic guidance”, transforming continuously in leading the revolution of social ideology, distilling in resolving social contradictions, and rising in guiding people’s thoughts. It can be illustrated as follows:the target of method has been updated in the leading of the ideological and political change;the value of method has been promoted in leading the ethical development;the connotation of method has been innovated in leading the cultural ideological evolution;the orientation of method has surpassed in grasping the public opinion direction;the content of methods has been improved in perfecting coordination mechanism;the mechanism of method have been completed in the structure optimization of thought;the approaches of method have been diversified in expanding of people’s ideas. Every link in the development of its evolution reflects something of society’s objective requirement, as well as the inevitable regularity of“strategic guidance”.



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