首页> 中文期刊>中南大学学报(社会科学版) >新乡村建设运动与社会转型时期的乡土复兴




Since the late Qing Dynasty, the rural construction has played a decisive role in the history of Chinese society. Although the late Qing Dynasty elites have made a great beneficial exploration in construction and improvement of rural society, there are some degree of defect for various reasons. Only rich material construction will toil with no gain, at the cost of the loss of cultural consciousness and the spirit of traditional city construction, even with the origin drawn further apart. In the process of rural construction in modem industrial society, we can trace back the origin, let it return to tradition and carry forward the culture, the selection is of great realistic significance.%自晚清始,乡村建设问题一直在中国社会历史进程中占据着举足轻重的位置。晚清的精英们对乡村社会的建设与改良做出了有益的探索,但因各种原因,结果不尽如人意。在物质建设丰富繁荣的同时,如果失去了文化自觉和传统精神,社会转型时期的新乡村建设难免举步维艰、困难重重。在现代化的工业社会背景下,重提乡村建设,让精英回归,承继传统、弘扬文化,是一个可探讨的选择。



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