首页> 中文期刊>中南大学学报(社会科学版) >《风景》的批判精神与价值承载




《风景》生动传神地呈现了社会转型和现代化进程中底层人物的报复心理、无措感及其扭曲的种种丑态。面对道德沦丧和“种的退化”,作者不仅展示了造成“硬扭”病相的复杂原因,掀开孕育民族劣根性和生长七哥们之“怪胎”的土壤,而且深刻讽刺了没有觉悟而又拒绝启蒙的市民对“外来文化”的崇拜和对“本土文明”的鄙薄,强烈批判无处不在的拜金主义对传统价值和社会秩序的颠覆,充分反映了创作者所秉持的道德理想和人文精神。%The Scenery written by Fang Fang to attempts show a New Realism black texture and wild vitality creation trend. As the epitome of urban underclass urban shantytowns process, the story tells the history of a humble family as a dead souls tone with vivid presentation of the figure in the bottom of the social transformation and modernization in the process of revenge, no various lovers and distorted. In the face of moral decay and degeneration of species, the author not only shows the complex problems caused by the hard twist disease, opened the national deep-rooted bad habits and growth of Seven Brother conceived the freak’s soil, including profound irony no consciousness and refusal of public worship of foreign culture and the local and it attention. It has strongly criticized the ubiquitous mammonism subversion of the traditional values and the social order, and it fully reflects the creator to uphold the moral ideal and humanistic spirit.



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