首页> 中文期刊>中南大学学报(社会科学版) >带灯夜行:且行且吟的乡土悲歌--贾平凹《带灯》女主人公意象解读




Jia Pingwa’s new novel“Dai Deng”focused on the description of the rural disease in China’s countryside. Firstly, the aesthetic effect on the subject of rural diseases unfolded by way of defamiliarization and aesthetic distance based on the“leaving-returning”narrative structure;Secondly, the monologue of Dai Deng, the leading character was shown by the novel’s epistolary style which described the contradictory complexity in the grass-roots units and her character combination; Thirdly, through the analysis of Dai Deng’s somnambulism image, the novel suggested the deconstruction of idealist mental servitude and the dissociation of political discourses. Finally, based on the narrative strategy throughout the novel, probed into the presence of the gaps on the narrative voices by coming off the breaks and effectiveness of narrative communications.%贾平凹长篇新著《带灯》聚焦于“乡村病”的书写。一是基于小说结构的“出走--外来”模式,阐释其视角陌生化与间距化的审美效果;二是通过带灯书信体的心灵独白,离析出农村基层问题的驳杂性与其性格组合的矛盾性;三是经由带灯“夜游症”意象分析,解构理想者的精神苦役与政治话语的游离;四是坐实在文本的叙事策略上,剥离出叙事交流的断裂性与实效性,内中探究作者叙事声音的罅隙性在场。



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