首页> 中文期刊> 《中南林业科技大学学报》 >黄石采石场废弃地植物的生长与光合特性研究




Ecology restoration of abandoned quarries was carried out in the north foot of Huang Jingshan Mountain, Huangshi City, Hubei Province. Three permanent sample plots including planting trough plot (PTP), retaining wall plot (RWP) and floating plate plot (FPP) were set up. After 2 years of artificial restoration, the vegetation cover rate was up to 100%, and the height growth rate of plants was faster than its ground diameter growth rate at the three plots. There were significant differences in leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters among the different plants at the three plots. According to the stepwise regression analysis, there were a significant positive correlation between average annual growth of ground diameter and transpiration rate, and a negative correlation between average annual growth of ground diameter and initial fluorescence. There were a significant positive correlation between average annual growth of plant height and transpiration rate, and a negative correlation between average annual growth of plant height and initial fluorescence. The net photosynthetic rate of Nerium oleander and the active quantum efficiency of Rubus coreanus in the PTP were higher, and their growth of ground diameter and plant height was rapid, thus the N. leander and R. coreanus were the preferred species for PTP. The net photosynthetic rate of Ligustrum lucidum and Ligustrum quihoui in the RWP and FPP were high, and their growth of ground diameter and plant height was rapid, and consequently the both were the preferred species for RWP and FPP. Cinnamomun camphora in the RWP adapted to the open area and high light conditions of abandoned quarries, so it could be the reference specie for RWP. As the result of the study, the Euonymus fortunei was unsuitable for PTP, the Buxus megistophylla was unsuitable for PTP and RWP, and the N. oleander was unsuitable RWP and FPP.%在湖北省黄石市铁山景区的采石场废弃地设置种植槽、挡土墙和飘台3个固定样地,研究了植被的生长和光合特性。结果表明:人工措施2年后,各样地的植被覆盖度达100%,各样地植物的高生长速率明显要快于地径生长速率;各样地的植物叶片气体交换参数和叶绿素荧光参数多存在显著差异;根据逐步回归分析结果可知,植物地径年平均生长量与蒸腾速率呈正相关,与初始荧光呈负相关,年平均高生长量与胞间CO2浓度呈正相关,与初始荧光呈负相关;种植槽的夹竹桃的光合效率较高,插田泡的实际光量子效率高,二者的地径和高生长较快,可以成为种植槽的优选树种;挡土墙和飘台的大叶女贞和小叶女贞的光合效率较高,地径和高生长较快,可以成为挡土墙和飘台的优选树种;挡土墙的樟树适应开阔的采石场废弃地高光照条件,可以成为挡土墙的参考树种。



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