首页> 中文期刊>滨州学院学报 >港台地区《孙子兵法》研究与传播应用——“孙子兵法全球行”阶段性情况报告




香港作为现代化国际大都市,既是国际金融、贸易和航运中心,又是东西方文化的交汇点,很多人都受我国传统文化的影响。此报告翔实反映了从香港特区行政官员到教育界、出版界、演艺界、商界和传媒界传播应用《孙子兵法》的理念和实践,其最显著的特色是文商并举,把孙子文化演绎得多姿多彩。台湾的孙子研究在20世纪50年代兴起,如今已汇集了一批研究专家学者,研究领域也从军事延伸至经济、文化、社会生活等诸多方面。台湾重视孙子书籍出版,在大陆文物出版社公开出版《银雀山汉墓竹简》后,台湾孙子研究兴起新一轮高潮,孙子应用研究也异彩纷呈,孙子文化广泛普及到学校和社会,孙子战略的活学活用在台湾成效显著。%Hong Kong is a modern international metropolis, which is the center of international finance, trade and shipping as well as the cultural intersection between the East and the West. Many people in Hong Kong are deeply influenced by Chinese traditional culture. This report in details reveals the concepts and practice of The Art of War spread and applied by the officials of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, educational circle, publication circle, entertainment circle, business circle and media. The most distinguished feature is the simultaneous promotion of cul- ture and business and the colorful interpretation of Sun Tzu culture. In Taiwan, research of Sun Tzu has risen since 1950s. Up to now, a group of researchers and scholars have been gathered, dense research atmosphere has been formed and the research fields have been expanded from military science to economy, culture, social life, etc. The publication of books on Sun Tzu has been paid much attention in Taiwan. After Relics Publishing House in mainland published Bamboo Slips of Han Dynasty Unearthed from Yinque Mountain,a new set of high tide of Sun Tzu re- search has been set off in Taiwan. The research of the application of Sun Tzu has also been rich and diverse. Sun Tzu culture has been spread to schools and the society,and the creative learning and study of Sun Tzu strategy has made evident achievement in Taiwan.



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