首页> 中文期刊>滨州学院学报 >孙子兵法“算胜”战略思维观念与企业战略管理




《孙子兵法》本质上是论述“战胜”的战略和谋略著作,蕴含了科学的战略思维观念和战略思维方式、方法。企业战略管理是建立在战略思维基础之上的全局性、长远性、竞争性的战略计划、战略实施、战略控制和战略评估的动态管理过程。《孙子兵法》战略思维观无疑对企业战略管理具有科学的指导价值。《孙子兵法》提出的“算胜”战略思维观强调,要高度重视企业战略管理活动中战略决策的重要性,要充分认识企业战略管理活动中战略决策思维的重要性,要重视企业战略管理活动中正确运用战略决策思维方法的重要性。%TheArt of War is a book full of strategy and tactics discussing how to win victory and containing scientific strategic thinking concepts, modes and methods. Enterprise strategic management is a dynamic management process of overall, prolong and competitive strategic planning, implementation, control and assessment on the basis of strategic thinking. Undoubtedly,the strategic thinking concept in The Art of War is of scientific guidance value for enterprise strategic management. The strategic thought of "victory with estimates" raised in The Art of War points out that the importance of strategic decision in the activities of enterprise strategic management should be paid much attention to, the significance of strategic decision thought in the activities of enterprise strategic management should be fully known and the importance of properly using strategic decision thought in the activities of enterprise strategic management should be taken seriously.



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