


Gongsunlongzi·Theory of Name and Reality, Mojing and Xunzi·Name Corresponding to Reali⁃ty are three kinds of meta-classics of China logic.Analyzing the logic viewpoint of Theory of Name and Reality, summarizing the theoretical contribution of Theory of Name and Reality to history of China logic, comparing Theory of Name and Reality to Mojing and Xunzi·Name Corresponding to Reality and concluding the inner re⁃latedness and essential consistency of these three logic viewpoints, from a visual angle of the dialectical rela⁃tionship between phenomenon and essence, we can conclude a subjective law of logic with one element in more expressions and explore a correct guidance for logic teaching and research,asking for the help of col⁃leagues in theory circle.%《公孙龙子·名实论》是同《墨经》和《荀子·正名》并列的中国逻辑学三种元典。分析《名实论》的逻辑观,总结《名实论》在中国逻辑史上的理论贡献,比较《名实论》、《墨经》和《荀子·正名》,总结名墨荀三家逻辑观的内在关联性和本质一致性,从现象和本质辩证关系的视域,概括逻辑学一元多表的客观规律,探索逻辑教学和研究的正确导向,就教学界同仁。



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