首页> 中文期刊>北京工业大学学报(社会科学版) >基于组织效能视角的战略网络节点企业关系治理机制探析




现代企业对于技术、创新、资本和人才的需求拉近了企业与供应商、零售商、顾客和其他组织的距离,由此,大量战略网络应运而生。文章以研究网络的组织效能为目的,以战略网络中各节点的关系为基础,讨论战略网络的基本分类和各节点企业的关系治理问题,通过对组织效能进行定义和公式化表达,推导得到战略网络中节点数量的最优值,并总结了战略网络中的基本要素,最后以具体案例进行验证,提出了增进网络组织效能和节点企业互信的治理机制,为战略网络节点关系治理研究提供理论指导。%The demand of technology, innovation, capital and talents requires modern enterprises a closer relationship with vendors, retailers and customers;and further generates a huge strategic network. From the perspective of organization efficiency, relationship management of node enterprise within strategic network is discussed in this article. Firstly we will review several canonical papers in related domain, and then the most optimal number of node will be derived from mathematical analysis, more precisely speaking, we establish a function connecting the number of nodes and the organization efficiency, with the help of differential method, we would pinpoint the number of nodes optimizing the organization efficiency and demonstrate this method with empirical research. Besides, In order to improve organization efficiency through institutional optimization, the author proposes mutual trust of node enterprises. By so doing theoretical instruction is introduced in research of relationship management of node enterprises.



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