首页> 中文期刊>北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版) >还永定河生机 莫忘防洪治理——关于历史上治理永定河的几点思考

还永定河生机 莫忘防洪治理——关于历史上治理永定河的几点思考



The rich water resources of Yong Ding River nurtured the people of Beijing,but also threatened the capital's security.The flood control and flood fighting work was always the most important task in the history.Because of the tremendous changes of the river and the special cause of formation of the flood,the management of the river is in an embarrassing situation: the water is short,but the flood control work is still in need.In order to restore the ecological functions and the natural life of the river,the environmental protection and comprehensive treatment is the ultimate way to settle the matter.%历史上的永定河曾经水量丰沛、水灾频仍,在哺育北京城发展的同时也常常威胁着首都的安全,抗洪防汛一直是历史上永定河治理的首要任务。由于永定河流域状况的巨大变化及其水灾的特殊成因,当今的永定河防洪问题面临着更为尴尬的境地:无水但仍要防洪。解决之根本出路在于全流域的环境保护及综合治理,恢复生态功能,还原自然生命力。



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