首页> 中文期刊>北京广播电视大学学报 >以学习者为中心的评价何以可能——以学习者自主评价与同伴互评发展口头汇报能力




The ability of presentation is frequently considered as one of core competencies for higher educated professionals. It is widely concerned by the field of higher education and work. However, at present, the domestic colleges and universities still lack adequate pro-fessional courses and practice opportunities to help learners enhance oral presentation ability. This study used self-assessment and peer assessment (SAPA) to help students develop the oral presentation ability in blended learning courses in a Chinese university. The goal of this study was to examine students’learning experience and perceptions of SAPA. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analyzed. Our results showed that the SAPA method helped and facilitated the development of students’ oral presentation ability. We also found that multiple sources feedback, the involvement of peers during the assessment, and multiple strategies for deepening self-reflections are crucial for developing oral presentation ability.%在高等教育中,口头汇报能力是高校大学生应当具备的核心技能,受到高等教育领域与职场工作领域的广泛关注.然而,国内各高校目前尚缺乏足够的专业课程及实践机会来帮助学习者提升口头汇报能力.本研究设计自主与同伴互评教学法(SAPA),并将口头汇报训练整合到专业课程中,发展高校学习者的口头汇报能力.研究采用量化与质性相结合的方法来探索评价设计的原则和策略,并分析学习者的学习经历及其对评价的感知.研究结果表明:SAPA方法能够有效提升并改善学习者对口头汇报的自我效能感与态度,同时,也进一步确认目标明确的多重反馈、同伴的过程性参与以及深化自我评价与反思是发展口头汇报能力的重要设计原则.



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