首页> 中文期刊>北京广播电视大学学报 >新型开放大学学生满意度实证研究——以北京开放大学为例




自教育部批复6所开放大学更名以来,开放大学转型状况如何?应从哪些方面着力提高服务质量?文章从学生满意度视角对北京开放大学转型状况进行了实证分析.在构建学生满意度指标体系基础上,调研了北京开放大学学生满意度情况及其群体差异状况.统计发现,在服务满意度层面,学生对学校、个人学业总体满意率为76%左右,对教学、资源、管理和技术等服务满意率在70%至80%之间;在预期实现度层面,93%~96%学生认为各项服务、所获知识能力和个人需求基本达到个人预期,50%左右认为超出了预期;在学生认可度层面,对学校总体印象、校园文化氛围、整体服务价值满意率在73%~75%之间;在学生忠诚度层面,选择继续深造、向他人推荐本校、支持母校建设"意向率"在78%~83%之间.上述各维度均表现出显著收入差异,大多项目有显著性别差异,年龄差异不显著.研究建议,应优先改进满意率较低的服务,并根据学生特征和需求差异,提供个性化服务,不能止于需求"基本满足",同时还要加强品牌和文化建设,不断提高学生认可度和忠诚度.%Since the Ministry of Education approved the renaming of the Central Radio and TV University and five provincial TV universities, what should we focus on improving the quality of New-type Open University? This article makes an empirical analysis of OU from the perspective of student satisfaction. Based on the framework of ACSI model, this paper constructs student satisfaction index system of OU and investigates the student satisfac-tion and group differences. Statistical analysis found that students’ overall satisfaction with schools and individuals is around 76%, and the satisfaction rate for teaching, resources, management and technology is between 70% and 80%. 93%-96% of students believe that the services and acquired knowl-edge are basically up to personal expectations or needs, and about 50% of students believe that the services exceed expectations. The satisfaction rate of overall impression of the school, campus culture atmosphere, and overall service value perception is between 73% and 75%. Choosing to continue to further study, recommending to others to attend the school, supporting the alma mater construction "intention rate" is between 78% -83%. All the above dimensions show significant income differences, most of the projects are significantly different from gender, but age differences are not signifi-cant. The study suggests that teaching services and services with lower satisfaction rates should be prioritized for improvement. More attention should be paid to provide services orienting characteristics and needs of the students. It is also necessary to strengthen the construction of school brand and culture, in order to improve students’ recognition and loyalty to the school.



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