首页> 中文期刊>北京广播电视大学学报 >新一代媒体对教育变革的影响与反思——2018年香港教育技术学术年会综述




为促进教育传播科技的发展、提高香港教育技术专业水平,香港教育技术协会为广大研究者与实践者搭建交流平台来分享专业经验.香港教育技术学术年会于2018年7月25日至27日在香港浸会大学召开,大会主题是新一代媒体对教育变革的影响与反思.本文将从教育技术学的视角描绘教育变革的趋势和挑战.新一代媒体推动了教育变革,包括创设了新的学习空间、汇聚了新的办学力量、催生了新的供给方式、孕育了新的研究范式.与此同时,新时代教育变革也面临一些挑战,包括理论陈旧、对媒体角色认识局限、体制机制不适应.新时代教育技术学研究呈现出新的方向以应对挑战,包括研究教与学的新规律和新原理、研究海量信息管理方法、重新定义教学与学习以及开展教育技术学元研究.笔者希望通过本文帮助读者把握教育变革的新趋势,认识教育技术学学术研究的新方向.%The Hong Kong Association for Educational Communications and Technology (HKAECT) is devoted to promote educational communication and technology in Hong Kong and improve its professional development with established platform for interaction among researchers and practitioners. HKAECT 2018 International Conference has been held in Hong Kong Baptist University on July 25, 2018, with topic "New Media for Educational Change: Effect on Learning and Reflection on Practice". This essay is to outline the trends and challenges of educational change pointed and discussed in this conference. New media has undoubtfully promoted, if not led, educational change, including but not limited to creating new learning space, inviting new stakeholders, encouraging new supply way, and urging new research methodology. Meanwhile, it has also brought unforeseen challenges, such as outdated theory, limited understanding and traditional system. Therefore, it requires new questions to be answered in the new era by revealing new principle, explor?ing how to manage massive information, redefining teaching & learning, conducting meta?analysis on this field. The main purpose is to present the confer?ence with analysis from educational technology's perspective and outline the edgy trends and uprising challenges for academics.



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