首页> 中文期刊>北华大学学报(社会科学版) >哲学的边界与思想的姿态——从黑格尔、伽达默尔、海德格尔看面向事情本身的三种方式




Hegel and Gadammer both have probed into force, the internal and external epistemic means of force, that is to say, both have considered the possibility and actuality of the internal epistemic means and of- fered different answers. Thus a fundamental problem arises : if the external epistemic means as "Stellen" can not grasp things themselves ,then is the subjective and internal empirical means valid although it is private? In the other words, does grasping things themselves beyond the jurisdiction fo philosophy? With the reference of Heidegger' s radical thought, three possible means of facing traditional epistemology, hermeneutical understanding and the the world and their characteristics are revealed: Ent-sprechen of thought.%黑格尔和伽达默尔都对力、力的内在和外在认识方式做了探讨,都对一种内在的认识方式的可能性和现实性做了不同的思考和解答,并引出这样一个根本问题:如果对置(Stellen)的外在认识方式不能把握事情本身,那么一种完全主观的内在经验方式,能否从私人性中跳出来,并且要求一种合法性?或者说把握事情本身是否超出了哲学权能的界限?结合海德格尔对这个问题所给出的激进回答,将会揭示出传统认识论、解释学的理解、思想的应合三种不同的面对世界的可能性方式,以及各自的规定性特征。



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