首页> 中文期刊>安庆师范学院学报(社会科学版) >清代安徽人才的地理分布特征




清代安徽约20%的县集中了59%的进士人才。进士人才特别发达县增至2县,桐城成为进士人才第一发达县,皖中的桐城和皖南的歙县两县进士占总数的22.8%;其次发达县也增至4县,约占21.1%;一般发达县则为5县,占15.0%。清代皖省进士人才发展迅速,11个县拥有了全省59%的进士,人才集中趋势明显,人才发达地区人才增长加快,欠发达地区增长缓慢,二者间距离拉大,地域分布的不平衡性加剧。%In the Qing Dynasty,59 percent of the talents succeeding in the highest imperial exams came from about 20 percent of the counties in Anhui province.There were two counties with most talents.Tongcheng County was the most advanced county in this aspect.Talents in Tongcheng County in the centre of Anqhui and in Shexian County in south Anhui accounted for 22.8 percent.The number of less advanced counties jumped to four,about 21.1 percent,and the average counties were five,about 15.0 percent.Talents increased rapidly in Anhui in the Qing Dynasty.59 percent of the talents were concentrated in 11 counties.There was a trend of talent centralization.The number of talents increased fast in advanced areas,and it rose slowly in less advanced places.The gap was widening and the unbalance was intensified.



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