首页> 中文期刊>安徽警官职业学院学报 >我国监狱是否需要“宗教”--从监狱文化建设视角看监狱中的宗教问题




中国政府历来重视宗教问题,保护罪犯的宗教信仰权利。理论界普遍认为,宗教是监狱文化建设的重要方面,对罪犯改造具有积极的辅助作用。宗教的本质不在于宗教仪式或者宗教组织,而在于宗教精神。宗教精神包括忏悔意识和宽容精神、关爱精神以及对现实和功利主义(唯利主义)的超越精神。中国传统人文思想当中包含着丰富的宗教精神,可以启迪人生智慧、指引人生道路。因此,我国监狱需要培育罪犯的宗教精神。%Chinese government always attaches importance to religion, and tries to protect the criminals’ rights of religious belief. The theoretical circle is generally believed that religion was an important aspect of the construction of the prison culture, and has a positive role in auxiliary for the modification of the criminal.The essence of religion is not in a religious ceremony or religious organizations, but in the religious spirit. Religious spirit includes confession consciousness and the spirit of tolerance, love, spirit and the transcendence of spirit. Chinese traditional humanistic thought contains rich religious spirit, can inspire wisdom of life, and give a guide for life."Religious prison"focuses on cultivating criminal spirit of religion.



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