首页> 中文期刊>安徽师范大学学报(人文社会科学版) >观念可能性与现实可能性--黑格尔和胡塞尔“可能性”范畴之比较∗




在胡塞尔之前黑格尔已经提出了回到事情本身这一哲学要求,他们二人所看待的事情本身与其对可能性范畴的理解有着内在关联。黑格尔在逻辑的自我演进过程中区分了形式的可能性、存在着的可能性和真实的可能性,胡塞尔同样从逻辑及其发生学角度区分了观念的可能性、悬疑的可能性和开放的可能性。他们对可能性范畴的划分有一种相互对应的关系。通过对比可以看到二人经由对传统形式逻辑的超越,在可能性范畴的现实维度与本质维度之间保持着张力,而这种张力则开显了他们对事情本身的理解上相异与相同的旨趣。%Before Husserl,Hegel had put forward the philosophical claim of Zu Den Sachen Selbst.The thing itself which they regard has an inner relation to their comprehension on the category of possibility. Hegel distinguished formal possibility,existent possibility and real possibility in the process of logic itself, and Husserl distinguished ideal possibility,vacillated possibility and open possibility through logic and its generics.There is a corresponding relation between their divisional categories of possibility.Through com-parison,it can be seen that there is the tension they hold between the dimension of reality and the dimension of essence in the category of possibility via transcending traditional formal logic.And this tension manifests their different and identical attitude toward thing itself.



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