首页> 中文期刊>安徽行政学院学报 >加强法治政府建设,提升县域治理水平r——基于安徽Y县权力清单制度的思考




The rule of law is through the Strategic System of"Four Comprehensives"at all levels,and also an important guarantee for achieving national governance systems and governance modernization. Power list system ,as a transformational change in government governance innovations in governance to achieve the rule of law and the rule of law the government , plays an important role. Based on the powers of legalization about the government governance practice ,this paper takes the power lists system of Y County,Anhui province as an example,and points out there may be some problems in its implementation. One is that the role is unclear ,the second is that the supporting policy is lagging ,the third is the potential negative effects. Thus,from three aspects of the legal support of power,its operating mechanism and the concept of transforming administrative service,some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.%法治是贯穿"四个全面"战略体系各个层面的基本主线,也是实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要保证.权力清单制度作为政府治理模式转型变革的创新举措,在实现政府治理法治化以及法治政府建设中扮演着重要角色.文章立足权力法治化的政府治理实践,以安徽省Y县的权力清单制度为例,指出了其施行成效以及可能面临的困境,一是角色定位不清,二是政策配套滞后,三是负面效应风险.为此,明确从着眼权力的法律支撑、厘清权力的运行规则、转变行政服务的理念三个层面入手,提出相应对策与建议.



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