首页> 中文期刊> 《农学学报》 >西北地区马铃薯膜上覆土最佳土层厚度试验




High-ridge and soil cover on the plastic films for potato planting is a new potato cultivation technique popularized in these years, it has the advantages of high emergence rate, high yield and less weeds. The thickness of soil over the films is one of the key factors for natural emergence of potato. Five thicknesses (0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 cm) were set up to study the optimum thickness of covering soil. The results showed that the optimum treatments were 3 cm and 5 cm, which had the emergence uniformity of 91.7%and 91.4%, the yield increase of 28.83%and 27.72%over that of CK, the commodity rate improvement of 47.77%and 49.64%, and a decrease of weeds under the films of 44.74% and 84.21% respectively. Meanwhile, the recovery of plastic films was more completely.%马铃薯高垄膜上覆土自然顶膜出苗栽培技术为近年来推广的一项马铃薯栽培新技术,具有自然出苗率高、产量高、杂草少等优点,其中膜上覆土厚度是影响马铃薯自然顶膜出苗的关键因素之一。为了确定马铃薯最佳覆土厚度,试验设0、1、3、5、7cm5个覆土厚度处理,结果表明:3、5cm2个处理为最佳覆土厚度,更有利于顶膜出苗,自然顶膜出苗率分别达到95.2%、98%,出苗整齐度分别为91.7%、91.4%,较对照产量分别增加了28.83%、27.72%,商品率分别提高了47.77%、49.64%,膜下杂草分别减少了44.74%、84.21%。同时,地膜回收也更为彻底。



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