首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林中医药》 >张继有医事经历与学术思想述略




ZHANG Jiyou is not only a famous doctor and educator of Chinese medicine,but also one of the found-ers of Changchun University of Chinese Medicine. Growing in unrest occupied northeast China,ZHANG participated in Chinese medicine education,medical and scientific research work since the founding of The Peopleˊs Republic of Chi-na,who made outstanding achievements. Based on ZHANGˊs medical experience,the essay aims to describe the contri-bution he made to the survival and development of TCM in the enemy occupied area,also to the development of tradi-tional Chinese medicine in The Peopleˊs Republic of China,which objective evaluation of his position in the history of Chinese medicine development in northeast China.%张继有是东北名中医、中医教育家,长春中医药大学早期创办人之一。张继有生长在社会动荡中的东北,东北沦陷时期开始医事工作,新中国成立后积极投身中医教育、医疗、科研等工作,做出了突出成绩。通过梳理张继有的医事经历,记述其为争取沦陷区中医的生存与发展,新中国中医事业发展所做出的贡献,客观评价其在东北中医发展史上的地位。



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