首页> 中文期刊>江汉学术 >刘醒龙《圣天门口》的方言书写艺术




Liu Xinglong has a strong mother tongue awareness of that taking dialect as mother tongue,which,consciously or unconsciously,materialized in his creation by dialect writing.His novel Saint Tianmenkou is very unique with dialect using.Dialect writing,from time to time,brings a distinct geographical markers and local color.With distinctive regional dialect depiction,the natural environment, working life and folk culture scene picture,allow readers truly feel the unique cognitive way in specific geographic areas and its inherent cultural meaning.While as a regional identity tags and nostalgia pass-words,dialect writing is helpful to narration.In the novel,the writer used dialect writing,to show the ge-ographical environment of the story,to depict native custom scene picture,to shape lifelike characters images,as the material to improve the effect of the expression,reflecting his strong mother tongue aware-ness,and this makes the novel full of eastern Hubei and Wuhan geographical characteristics in the lan-guage style.And in order to improve the effect of expression,he used direct annotation with text descrip-tion and context to help readers to alleviate the difficulties caused by dialect.%刘醒龙以方言为母语的母语意识非常强烈,并将这种意识通过自觉不自觉的方言书写物化在他的创作中。其长篇小说《圣天门口》在方言运用上就很有特色。小说中的方言书写不时点缀出独特地域的鲜明标记与乡土色彩,用方言描绘的颇具特色的地域自然环境、劳动生活场景与民俗文化画卷,让读者真切感受特定地域人们的独特认知方式,及其蕴含的文化意蕴。同时将方言本身作为地域认同标记和乡情密码进行描写,以助小说的叙事进展。作家在小说中用方言表现故事演进的地域环境,描绘原生原态的风俗画图,塑造栩栩如生的人物群像,充当提高效果的表达材料,体现沁透骨髓的母语意识,使整部小说在语言风格上颇具鄂东和武汉的地域特色。而且为了提高表达效果,他运用随文直接加注和借助上下文描写的方法,帮助读者消解方言有可能造成的阅读障碍。



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