首页> 中文期刊>江汉学术 >论教师的教育信仰:价值、结构及生成机制




Teachers’education belief is the true pursuit to deep education questions such as the es-sence of education,educational activities,educational value and so on,formed in the educational prac-tice,which is convert to the ought value and ideal of education,the extreme love to education.It is beyond the nature of educational practice,internalized as psychological state and spiritual request of education activities,beyond the external behavior and inner spirit.Education faith is the direction of teachers’pro-fessional progress,sign of professional development,reflection of professional maturity.Operation and implementation of educational belief is an organic unity of the teachers’education ration,emotion,will and action.Generation of teachers’education belief is a very complex process,a full unity of identity of need,faith internalization and psychological integration,while identity of need is an important foundation, faith internalization is the power and psychological integration is the inherent mechanism.%教师“教育信仰”是教师在教育实践中形成的对教育本质、教育活动、教育价值等深度教育问题的本真追求,是对教育应然价值、教育理想的皈依和对教育事业的极度热爱,是超越了教育实践本性、内化为教育行为的心理状态和精神诉求,是外在行为与内在精神的双重超越。教育信仰是教师专业成长的方向、专业发展的标志、专业成熟的体现。教育信仰的现实运作与实现,是教师的教育理性、教育情感、教育意志与教育行为的有机统一。教师教育信仰的生成是一个十分复杂的过程,是需要的认同、信仰的内化与心理的整合的完整统一。其中,需要的认同是教育信仰生成的重要根基,信仰的内化是教育信仰生成的动力,心理的整合则是教育信仰生成的内在机理。



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