首页> 中文期刊>江汉学术 >民国福建社会“代际流动”研究--以清寒学生大学奖学金获得者群体为研究对象




通过对民国福建清寒学生大学奖学金获得者群体进行典型性研究,我们可以发现:首先获奖学生父辈或在他们青少年时已去世,或是失业,或是从事低声望的职业,即都属于社会底层人士。而获奖学生从事的职业或是属于国家与社会管理者阶层,或是属于专业技术人员阶层,即都属于社会的中上阶层。换言之,民国福建社会存在剧烈的“代际流动”。政府设立大学奖学金则在获奖学生向社会上层流动中扮演关键角色,获奖学生通过海外留学成功实现向社会上层流动。其次教会中学设立奖学金为获奖学生向社会上层流动提供平台,即基督教会对民国福建社会“代际流动”起推动作用。%Through the typical research on underprivileged students receiving college scholarship as the study objects,we can find out that:first,the award—winning students lost one or both of their parents in their young age,or their parents were jobless,or took low—prestige occupations.They all belonged to the group of the underprivileged people.But when the students with honors went into the society,they entered the class of management of state and society,or the field of technical personnel levels,all of which belong to the upper middle class society.In other words,there was a dramatic “intergenerational mobility”in Fujian society during the period of the Republic of China.Second,the establishment of scholarship system for students in church schools provided a platform for the upward social mobility of the poor high school students,and the government which established a scholarship for college acted as the role of the parent in the upward social mobility,and some award—winning students achieved success of upward social mobility through studying abroad.In a word,the scholarships established by the Christian Church and the Government of Fujian played a catalytic role in the “intergenerational mobility”.



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