首页> 中文期刊>江汉学术 >产业结构调整、城镇化发展与政府政策




In the process of economic transformation in China,economic restructuring and the devel-opment of urbanization is occurring with the government policy.At different stages of economic develop-ment,fiscal decentralization between central and local government causes that different local governments make different economic support programs,according to their local resources,leading to different indus-trial structure and development of urbanization in different times.Studies have shown that with the rela-tionship adjustment between the central government and local governments in 1978 and 1994 as the cut-off point of reform in different periods,local governments took different policies,leading to the corre-sponding changes of industrial structure and the level of urbanization.With the proportion of three indus-tries output and employment as measure of the economic structure,the empirical analysis of the 1952—2012 data verifies the theoretical hypothesis.So,the central government should timely conduct in-depth financial reform,adjust the fiscal relationship between the local government to promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and the healthy development of urbanization.%在经济转型过程中,中国的产业结构调整及城镇化发展是在政府作用下发生的。在不同的经济发展阶段,中央与地方政府之间的财政分权决定了地方政府根据各地方不同的资源禀赋采取不同的经济支持计划,导致了不同时期产业结构及城镇化发展的差异。研究表明,随着与中央政府关系的调整,在以1978年及1994年改革为分界点的不同时期,地方政府适应性地采取了不同政策,导致我国产业结构及城镇化水平发生了相应的变动。以三次产业产值比重及就业比重作为经济结构的度量指标,对1952年—2012年数据进行的实证分析验证了理论假说。因此,中央政府应当及时进行深入的财政体制改革,调整与地方政府之间的财政关系,使其政策有益于促进产业结构优化升级及城镇化健康发展。



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