首页> 中文期刊>国际眼科杂志 >OCT对急性闭角型青光眼治疗前后角结膜结构的改变




Abstract•AlM:To observe thickness and morphological changes of cornea and bulbar conjunctiva pre- and post acute angle closure glaucoma ( AACG ) therapy by optical coherence tomography ( OCT) .•METHODS: Twenty - five patients with AACG were recruited. lntraocular pressure ( lOP ) and morphological characteristic of cornea and conjunctiva were measured at their first visit, 1, 2 and 3d after they began the treatments.•RESULTS:The corneal epithelium thickness and corneal thickness of patients with acute attack of angle closure glaucoma were 72. 76±11. 95μm and 589. 40±66. 91μm; the conjunctival epithelial layer thickness was 58. 88±12. 87μm;the thickness of conjunctive stroma was 299. 76±94. 86μm;the conjunctival full thickness was 358. 64±102. 55μm. The corneal epithelium thickness and corneal thickness at the first day of the treatment were 69. 28±12. 65μm and 579. 04± 67. 88μm;the conjunctival epithelial layer thickness was 57. 04 ± 12. 05μm;the thickness of conjunctive stroma was 282. 44±91. 47μm;the conjunctival full thickness was 339. 48± 100. 28μm. the corneal epithelium thickness and corneal thickness at the second day of treatment were 66. 76 ± 11. 42μm and 563. 32 ± 63. 87μm;the conjunctival epithelial layer thickness was 54. 76 ± 11. 01μm;the thickness of conjunctive stroma was 267. 00 ± 98. 54μm;the conjunctival full thickness was 322. 16 ± 106. 12μm. the corneal epithelium thickness and corneal thickness of the third day treatment are 65. 16 ± 12. 25μm and 550. 36 ± 71. 48μm; the conjunctival epithelial layer thickness was measured 53. 36± 10. 29μm;the thickness of conjunctive stroma was 252. 76± 99. 32μm;the conjunctival full thickness was 306. 52 ± 107. 31μm. The difference of lOP, corneal epithelial thickness, corneal thickness, conjunctival epithelial layer thickness, conjunctival stroma thickness and conjunvtival full thickness had statistically significant(P<0. 05).•CONCLUSlON:The corneal and conjunctival thickness in patients at acute attack of angle closure glaucom increase. The edema level decreases with lOP.%目的::利用光学相干光断层扫描技术( optical coherence tomography,OCT)观察急性闭角型青光眼治疗前后角膜和结膜厚度及形态的变化。方法:收集急性闭角型青光眼患者25例,对初诊、治疗第1、2、3d的眼压与角膜结膜特征对比分析。结果:急性闭角型青光眼发作时角膜上皮厚度、全层厚度分别为72.76±11.95、589.40±66.91μm;结膜上皮层厚度、结膜固有层厚度和结膜全层厚度为58.88±12.87、299.76±94.86、358.64±102.55μm;治疗第1d角膜上皮厚度、全层厚度分别为69.28±12.65、579.04±67.88μm;结膜上皮层厚度、结膜固有层厚度和结膜全层厚度为57.04±12.05、282.44±91.47、339.48±100.28μm;治疗第2d角膜上皮厚度、全层厚度分别为66.76±11.42、563.32±63.87μm;结膜上皮层厚度、结膜固有层厚度和结膜全层厚度为54.76±11.01、267.00±98.54、322.16±106.12μm;治疗第3d角膜上皮厚度、全层厚度分别为65.16±12.25、550.36±71.48μm;结膜上皮层厚度、结膜固有层厚度和结膜全层厚度为53.36±10.29、252.76±99.32、306.52±107.31μm;治疗前、治疗第1、2、3d时4个测量时间点的眼压、角膜上皮厚度、角膜全层厚度、结膜上皮厚度、结膜固有层厚度和结膜全层厚度差异都有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:青光眼急性发作时角膜结膜水肿厚度增加,并随眼压的降低而变薄。



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